6. Schedules - Control your pool
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If you have a Clyr Controller and you have variable speed pumps, lights, relays, heaters, etc. hooked up, schedules are an easy way for you to program and control how your equipment should run daily.
Let's say we have a variable speed pump and we want it to run from 8am - 5pm every day. We can set a schedule. From the home screen, click the schedules button and this will pop up a calendar:
Using your finger, drag and drop on the calendar as if you were creating a normal calendar event in another app. This will pop up this screen:
Select your equipment, verify the time, and select any other option you might need. As an example, on a pump, you will be prompted to select the RPM. Click submit and you should see the schedule pop up momentarily.
Below is an example showing a schedule for a light and the color it should show:
To edit a schedule, simply open up the schedules page, and click on the calendar event. This will pop open the edit dialog and you can tweak the settings.
If you don't want to create individual calendar events, you can copy a single event you have already created to multiple days. In order to do this, click on the calendar event so you see the edit dialog, and then click the "Copy To" and select the days as shown in the figure below:
You will now be able to click on the different days above and should see this schedule copied.
If you get an error here about duplicate schedules, you may need to go check your other days and make sure that an overlapping schedule for this piece of equipment doesn't already exist. You first need to DELETE that schedule in order for bulk copying to work.
Deleting a schedule entry will automatically STOP the functionality of that piece of equipment if you delete it while the equipment is running
If you would like to delete a schedule entry, simply click the calendar entry to pop open the edit dialog. At the top of the dialog, click the three buttons and select "Delete" as shown below.
If you would like to bulk delete all your schedules, click the triple dot on the home schedules page and "Delete All".
Schedules are the easiest way to manage your pool equipment and conveniently allow you to match different values for different times.